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  5. Do You Offer Refund

Do You Offer Refund

Our refund policy is as per Themeforest.net refund policy. If you face any problem then you’re requested to open a support ticket. Most issues are resolved within 1-2 days with few email exchanges.

Below is the exact quote is taken from Envato’s refund policy.

Neither Envato nor authors are obliged to give policy refunds in any of the situations listed below.

  1. You don’t want it after you’ve downloaded it
  2. The item did not meet your expectations or you feel the item is of low quality
  3. You simply change your mind
  4. You bought an item by mistake
  5. You do not have sufficient expertise to use the item
  6. You claim that you are entitled to a refund but do not provide sufficient information as to why you are entitled to a refund
  7. You can no longer access the item because it has been removed or the author who previously provided the item is no longer active on our platform (we advise you to download items as soon as you have purchased them to avoid this situation).
Refund request can’t be accepted for Buyer’s hosting related problem

If you encounter an import related issue, please get in touch with our support team with your site / hosting access and they might be able to help you.

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