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Portfolio Page

Portfolio ColumnAllows you to add and remove columns
Button Read MoreOn / Off Button

Single Portfolio Page

Latest Projects ColumnAllows you to add and remove columns
Latest ProjectOn / Off Latest posts
Featured image on Single PortfolioChange the output image of the post to the header or block below
Initial letter PortfolioOn / Off Portfolio
Next and previous PortfolioOn / Off
Meta TagsOn / Off Tags
Social Share LinksOn / Off Socials
Single Portfolio AuthorboxOn / Off Authorbox
Single portfolio CommentsOn / Off Comments

Portfolio Metadata

Portfolio authorTurns the author on and off in the post and internal post or duplicates it here and there
Portfolio Publish DataTurns the post publish data on and off in the post and internal post or duplicates it here and there
Portfolio CategoryTurns the category on and off in the post and internal post or duplicates it here and there
Portfolio Comments CountTurns the comments on and off in the post and internal post or duplicates it here and there
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